Alright... this is just a quick page for reference to who is what sprite... if you really wanna know about the characters... well... hopefully I will eventually provide enough info about them in the comic itself to do so.

Come August of 2003, not all of the people the comic is based on stuck together. Some are stuck in Nashville (probably because they are still in High School), some went to Cookeville to attend Tennessee Tech, and others just went somewhere else.

Not to mention that, yes, we do make more friends. So more people yet will exist in the Cookeville chapters of the comic.

Main Characters













Recurring Characters
The people who are, or will, or might be, in the comic several times, but not enough to be "main". So blah.




Mr. Wahl


Dr. Pedro Garcia

If the character is not on here by the time the comic is up, they are not important. If their actual identity is important, it is in the comic they appear in.

Also, if they are not on here, do not expect consistency. Because I won't be keeping up with it.

That is all.


8/31/04 12:42 AM
Wow, that was a long time. I'm back up at school, and inspired by the antics of Joe, Toby, and Marshal joining our ranks as Golden Eagles here in Cookeville, I've decided I'd try to restart Sprites of DOOM. The cast has changed a bit, so check out the Characters page for the current list.

Yeah, today's comic really happened. Toby decided to Tubgirl my roommate. The comic is almost verbatim what happened.

If you have never seen Tubgirl, count yourself lucky and don't go look at it. If you do get curious, don't blame me. I warned you. Twice.